Jatyadi Lotion Azadirachta indica.50g+Curcuma longa 3.750g+Trichsanthes dioica 3.750g+Glyrrhiza glabra 500mg+Jasminum offcinale 500 mg+pongamia glabra 500 mg+Rubia cordifolia 500 mg+terminalia chebula 500 mg+Symplocos racemosa 500 mg+capsicum abbreviata 500 mg+Ichnocarpus Frutescens 500mg+copper Sulphate 125 mg( Base) Sesamum indicum oil 12.50 ml+Ricinus Communis oil 12.50 ml + Cocos nucifera oil 12.50 ml +apis Mellifera wax 1gm brassica Juncea oil???qs to make up to 50 ml+ holy Basil
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